вторник, 10 января 2012 г.

Forex trading without any investment

Almost every novice trader, sooner or later comes to think that making the market is not so simple. After earning professionals only, that is, those who have a profitable trading system and sells strictly by the rules. But what about beginners? After all, profitable strategy yet, and it is not clear how to create it. All attempts to capitalize on intuition, as well as with the predictions of analysts known or trading other people's signals - quickly fail and do not bring any profit. And if so, what's the point in the trade market?

There is a desire (which eventually becomes stronger and stronger) as possible risk. And ideally - all to minimize the risk. That is to earn anything without investing.
So, let's see, there really cash in on forex, investing nothing, and see whether or not to do it.
Forex or "Okoloforeks"?
Before speaking directly about earnings, let's distinguish two types of income. The first kind of - it's earnings by directly trading on the exchange. The second type (I call it "Okoloforeks") - a kind of income that is based not on the trade and all that is complementary to it. For example, sales training courses, advisors, trading signals and so on. Usually, when talking about advertising without investing earnings, we mean exactly Okoloforeks.
Is it possible to earn without investing in Okoloforekse?
In fact, market Okoloforeksa so great that often the people who came to trade on Forex, spend more on services Okoloforeksa than lose on the market. So, let's look at the main options for how you can earn without having the initial capital.
Affiliate Program Broker (IB representative)The most common way of earning money - it's registration in the affiliate program of any broker advertising and affiliate links. At the same time earnings shall accrue if the client has descended on the link and open a real account. The amount of remuneration depends on how lot will sell the customer, and how often it will enter the market.
How much can you earn? Since the last time in this way trying to make all and sundry, it is clear that wages are low. The only exceptions are those who are suited to this business professionally. Most simply spamming the forums and did not earn (or earns a penny). Personally, I think that IB representative, to motivate the customer to offer him something interesting. Just as scattered references with the wild shouts of "Go and earn your first million!" Had long been attracted attention and are perceived as spam.
Feature of the earnings is that you can get passive income. That is, the profits will go up as long as the client will be traded. Although this type of income is hardly reliable, as the trade itself is a risky occupation, and many newcomers, having lost their first deposit is likely to throw open the trade, or by another company, which handed out bonuses.
Training courses trade on the exchangeAnother way to make money - is to advertise affiliate link, clicking on which the client gets the page with the training course. In the event that a customer pays for a course that earns gets a% of profit.
How much can you earn? As well as in the previous case, too many training courses which are advertised, but to earn, in my opinion, it is possible for them much more.The fact that a single sale can earn up to 2 000.
Selling or trading signals advisersAnother way to earn a Okoloforekse - is to advertise advisors and stock exchanges trading signals.
How much can you earn? In the case of advertising advisers, earnings will be about the same as for commercial training courses. Typically, the cost of normal advisers comparable to the cost of training courses, and should bear in mind that this will be one-time sale. When advertising income trading signals will be small, but it can be called passive, because the client can pay for the signals for several months.
Advertising PAMM-accountsAnother way to earn money, which has recently been rapidly gaining in popularity - a successful advertising PAMM-accounts. Advertising PAMM-account, you can create a rather stable passive income. The advantages of this business yet and that an experienced investor can help you select the best managers. In this case an experienced investor has an additional (passive) income, and investor-beginner can immediately invest in long-term traders. In this beginner does not have to pay for advice in selecting the best managers.
How much can you earn? Earnings in advertising PAMM-accounts can reach quite large amounts. In this case it is a passive and relatively stable. For the experienced investor is one of the best kinds of extra income. Amount of money earned depends on how much money was invested by the client and how it went. And also, of course, on what percentage of the manager is willing to pay to attract new customers.
Forex contestsAnother way to make money in the market, putting nothing - is involved in various forex contests. If you are lucky, you can take a prize and get the real reward. But I will say at once that competition in such contests are often very high and therefore something to win them, it is often very difficult.
How much can you earn? Prizes for the forex contests tend to be small. But given that you do not invest a penny, it is quite an interesting option.Writing feature articles and posting. Quite an interesting way to earn money that is available to almost anyone who is even slightly versed in the subject. Of course, a lot of money here, but you can get a steady income. In fact, this is a normal job, which pays for certain (a known) the amount of money. For those who value stability, it is the best kind of income.
So, we discussed the most common ways of earning a Okoloforekse. Each of them is good in its own way, but at the same time, we must understand that to earn something, you need to spend on it some time and effort. I do not pretend to say that this is easy money, but still each of these types of earnings is quite real.
Is it possible to make money without investing it in Forex?
To be honest, even a strange question. Who is actually going to pay something for you when the account goes into negative? Although there are some bonuses. For example, there are companies that are opening an account nesnimaemuyu add some amount. This can be either% of the replenishment of the deposit, or simply a gift of money. At the same time without any problems we can derive the basic (a) capital, and to gift money to trade can be and if there is profit, it also can be deduced.
Trading without investment from the perspective of a professional trader.
A professional trader is unlikely to be interested in competitions on demo accounts, since there are relatively small gains. Also, not every trader will engage in advertising to different brokers, training courses, advisors, and so on. This usually involved new traders that except for advertising, more money could not be.
Also, a professional will not open an account in a particular company just because there is a bonus for initial deposit. For him, an order of magnitude more important that the broker is reliable, quickly served a warrant, there were no problems with the withdrawal of funds and so on.
Some successful traders, earning a certain amount, decide to invest in opening a site. And since the topic of trading closer to them all, and that accordingly the site will be dedicated to trade on the exchange.